Before signing a contract with your chosen contractor it is extremely important to check their references. Ask your contractor for a list of former clients for whom they have performed similar work. When speaking with the references ask them the following questions:
Where did you get the contractor’s name?
What kind of work did the contractor do for you?
Did you have a clear idea of what the contractor was going to do?
How punctual was your contractor?
Did they answer or return your phone calls quickly?
Were they a good communicator?
What was the contractor’s policy regarding changes?
Did you check the contractor’s credentials?
Do you feel your project ran smoothly through all phases of construction?
Was the project completed according to the time schedule?
Did the job site sit idle at any point?
Did the contractor keep the job site clean?
At any point were you unhappy with how the job site was maintained?
Did you notice a change in your contractor’s attitude after you signed your contract?
What was working with the contractor’s crew or subcontractors like?
How much did change orders (if any) add to the overall cost of your project?
Were there any overcharges that were never approved by you?
Were there any lien issues with subcontractors or vendors since completion of your project?
Did you have enough advance notice of when you needed to have material selections made?
Can you please tell me the names of 3 contractors and 3 material suppliers that were involved with your project?
Did the contractor have a good rapport with the other contractors and workmen on the job?
Are you satisfied with your finished product?
Would you hire them again?
Has the contractor been available for service calls since the completion of the project?